Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Sift App Helps Business Users Find Hidden Benefits of Their Credit Cards

Sift App Helps Business Users Find Hidden Benefits of Their Credit Cards

Do you know there’s an app that unlocks hidden benefits of your credit cards?

Well, the Sift app — an innovative free mobile application — unlocks hidden benefits of your credit cards you probably were not aware of, such as price adjustment refunds, extended warranties, return protection, rewards and much more. The app helps users automatically track their credit card spending and can save you substantial amounts of money.

Sift App Maximizes Credit Card Benefits

According to the makers of Sift, the finance app analyzes hidden benefits that are buried in complex retailer and credit card policies and automatically files the appropriate claims on the user’s behalf. With the app, you can know what benefits are associated with a purchase and track elements of that purchase — such as the amount of time left to return an item and your money back when prices drop.

Small business owners eager to track their spending but who dread calling their credit card company or reading fine print, may love this app. It not only helps you manage your wallet better, but also helps get back tens of billions on purchases currently left on the table every year, the company says.

“In our Beta testing, we have saved users hundreds of thousands of dollars and estimate users get back over 5 percent of their spend,” Abhinav Dubey, co-founder of Sift said in a prepared release.

Sift App Web Version Now Available

Sift was founded in 2015. It recently secured a $1.5 million seed round, promising to bring transparency to the credit card market and unlock a number of other travel related benefits, such as reimbursements up to $500 for travelers stranded by flight delays, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation insurance and beyond.

Sift also announced the launch of a web version of its app previously only available on the App Store for iOS devices to enable you to track your credit card benefits and reimbursements directly from the web.

“Managing your finances is hard, especially during the hustle and bustle of holiday season. That’s why we’ve made Sift accessible from any device with the newly launched siftwallet.com,” Dubey said.

Image: Siftwallet.com

This article, "Sift App Helps Business Users Find Hidden Benefits of Their Credit Cards" was first published on Small Business Trends

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