Thursday, 29 March 2018

Facebook Suffering from Trust Issues Compared to Other Small Business Providers

American Trust in Facebook Declining

Americans are losing trust in Facebook (NASDAQ: FB).

American Trust in Facebook Declining

According to a recent poll conducted by Reuters and Ipsos, the social media company ranked lowest in trust on privacy issues among the major tech companies serving small businesses.

Just 41% of the more than 2,200 Americans surveyed by Reuters and Ipsos say they trust Facebook to obey US privacy laws in regard to their personal data. That, of course, is less than half of America trusting Facebook with their private information.

That number pales in comparison to other tech companies that routinely collect personal data from small businesses and their customers. Amazon had the highest trust rating, 66% in the same poll and 62% trust Google with their personal information. Next, 60% trust Microsoft. Apple has the trust of 53% of Americans with personal info. Yahoo had a sub-par trust factor of 47%.

The poll was taken after it was revealed Facebook allowed data of tens of millions of people to fall into the hands of Cambridge Analytica. The company then fed the information to then-candidate Donald Trump. The company has been accused of doing something similar in 2012 for the benefit of Barack Obama.

Facebook is also in hot water over the collection of data from calls and messages made on your mobile phone.

It’s likely Facebook will overcome this latest setback to its reputation. People are not likely to begin deleting their Facebook accounts en masse.

However, it is interesting to note another question in the Reuters/Ipsos poll on targeted advertising. Facebook’s collection of data allows you to target the right people.

Turns out, a majority of Americans aren’t thrilled about targeted ads. 63% say they want less targeted ads on Facebook. Only 9% want more.

Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Facebook Suffering from Trust Issues Compared to Other Small Business Providers" was first published on Small Business Trends

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