Tuesday 25 June 2024

How Gary Kusin Founded GameStop and the First Meme Stock

I remember when my kids were growing up, my youngest son Daniel visited GameStop the day it opened up near our home. He said that now since we were so close to GameStop, our home would be more valuable. I am not sure about that but certainly GameStop has had a big effect on the gaming industry and the stock market.

This week on The Small Business Radio Show, Gary Kusin, co-founded two companies, Babbage’s, operating today as GameStop (NYSE: GME), and Laura Mercier Cosmetics. He served from 2001-2006 as President and Chief Executive Officer of Kinko’s, today operating as FedEx Office. He was responsible for the turnaround, strategic growth and transformation of Kinko’s and oversaw the ultimate sale to FedEx, directly reporting to Fred Smith, founder of FedEx, for the 2 years required to integrate Kinko’s into FedEx and be renamed FedEx Office.

Gary Kusin and his co-founder, Jim McCurry, identified the burgeoning potential of video gaming and the rise of specialty store channels in the early 1980s. This foresight led to the opening of the first store dedicated to selling video games and software for personal computers in 1983, which eventually evolved into Babbage’s and later GameStop.

Actionable Advice:

Stay Ahead of Trends: Entrepreneurs should constantly monitor emerging trends and technologies. Tools like Google Trends, industry reports, and social media analytics can help identify shifts in consumer behavior.

Niche Markets: Focus on niche markets that are underserved. This can provide a competitive edge and establish your brand as a leader in that space.

Scaling Up: From One Store to a Global Presence

Under Kusin’s leadership, GameStop expanded to 10,000 stores in 60 countries, generating $10 billion in revenues. This growth was driven by a deep understanding of the market and strategic expansion.

Actionable Advice:

Strategic Planning: Develop a clear growth strategy that includes market research, financial planning, and scalability.

Customer Focus: Prioritize customer experience and feedback. Loyal customers can become brand advocates and drive organic growth.

Transforming Kinko’s: A Case Study in Business Turnaround

Rationalizing Store Locations

As the president and CEO of Kinko’s, Kusin led a significant turnaround by rationalizing store locations. This involved closing underperforming stores and focusing on profitable ones.

Actionable Advice:

Data-Driven Decisions: Use data analytics to assess the performance of different business units. This can help identify areas for improvement and inform strategic decisions.

Cost Management: Regularly review and manage operational costs. Streamlining operations can improve profitability and efficiency.

Implementing a Corporate Sales Organization

Kusin also implemented a large corporate sales organization at Kinko’s, which significantly increased revenue by targeting corporate clients.

Actionable Advice:

Diversify Revenue Streams: Explore different revenue streams, such as B2B sales, to reduce dependency on a single market segment.

Sales Strategy: Develop a robust sales strategy that includes training, performance metrics, and incentives for the sales team.

The Phenomenon of Meme Stocks: Emotional and Intellectual Dynamics

Understanding Market Behavior

The episode also touched on the phenomenon of meme stocks, such as GameStop and Truth Social. Kusin discussed the emotional and intellectual dynamics that drive their valuation and market behavior.

Actionable Advice:

Market Sentiment: Keep an eye on market sentiment and social media trends. Platforms like Reddit and Twitter can provide insights into investor behavior.

Risk Management: Be cautious with investments in highly volatile stocks. Diversify your portfolio to mitigate risks.

Listen to Gary Kusin’s full interview on The Small Business Radio Show.

Image: garyandjillpodcast.com/

This article, "How Gary Kusin Founded GameStop and the First Meme Stock" was first published on Small Business Trends

Monday 24 June 2024

Learn How to Grow Your Business in Line with Your Goals

As your business grows, your original plans and vision may get lost in the day-to-day operations. But there are many growth strategies you can use to create a successful business that aligns with your actual goals. Learn valuable insights from members of the online small business community below.

Grow Your Startup Without Losing Your Vision

Most business owners have a clear vision for their startup in the early stages. But it’s also easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations and lose sight of that original plan. Here’s a guide from Ivan Widjaya of SMB CEO, for growing your business without losing that vision.

Find Someone on Social Media Before Hiring

Hiring new team members can accelerate the process of growing your business. But it’s important to hire the right people. Social media can provide helpful insights about potential hires. Lisa Sicard of Small Biz Tipster shares tips for finding potential hires online in this post. After reading, head over to BizSugar to see what community members are saying.

Empower Your Business with Video Conference API

Video conferencing can be an effective way to connect with people all over the world and grow your business. The tools you use can make a huge impact on the success of these communications. Learn more about empowering your business with video conference API in this Decipher Zone post by Mahipal Nehra.

Consider What It Means to Be a Responsible Franchisor

Franchising can be a powerful way to grow a brand by quickly opening new locations throughout the country and even globally. However, companies that use this model have a responsibility to be transparent and uphold ethical business practices. This has been the topic of recent conversations across franchise organizations, which Joel Libava of The Franchise King discusses in more detail here.

Build Meaningful Connections for Business Growth

The people you connect with throughout your business journey can dramatically impact your chances of success. So how can you connect with other professionals in your industry and people who can help in your journey? Read this Noupe post by Luke Babich for insights.

Make the Most of These Sales Tools for Reps and Marketers

Want to make more sales for your business? It’s essential to equip your sales and marketing teams with the right tools. If you’re looking for options, check out this LeadGen post by Mushahid Hassan for a list.

Increase Engagement with Your Social Media Marketing

Your brand’s social media strategy is only effective if you can get followers to actually engage with your content. To learn more about increasing engagement, read this Mostly Blogging post by Janice Wald.

Optimize Your Content Like a Pro

Content marketing is a powerful strategy for promoting nearly any type of business. But it can be significantly more effective if you optimize your content like a pro. Brad Smith of Wordable elaborates on the concept in this post.

Use Customer Feedback in Product Development

If you want to create the best possible products for your target customers, it helps to get their feedback during the development phase. So how can you seamlessly integrate feedback into your new product development process? Learn how in this Small Biz Viewpoints post by Harry and Sally Vaishnav.

Address Underlying Issues with Digital Products

When developing digital products, some businesses attempt to “put lipstick on a pig.” But there are times when you need to actually address underlying issues that make products better for your customers. See more discussion on this topic in this Ishir post by Rishi Khanna.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "Learn How to Grow Your Business in Line with Your Goals" was first published on Small Business Trends

Sunday 23 June 2024

Treasury and IRS Issue Final Regulations on Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements

The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have released final regulations on the prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PWA) requirements linked to increased credit or deduction amounts for certain clean energy incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). These regulations provide guidance on how taxpayers can qualify for enhanced benefits by adhering to specific labor standards.

The IRA includes provisions that boost the base amount of certain clean energy credits or deductions by five times for taxpayers who meet the PWA requirements. These requirements pertain to the construction, alteration, or repair of clean energy facilities, properties, projects, or equipment.

IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel stated, “The increased credit or deduction for taxpayers meeting prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements creates opportunities for both workers and employers. The IRS is committed to ensuring that taxpayers claiming the clean energy credits comply with all of the applicable prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.”

To qualify for the increased credit or deduction amounts, taxpayers must:

  1. Ensure laborers and mechanics are paid wages at rates not less than the applicable prevailing wage rates.
  2. Employ qualified apprentices from registered apprenticeship programs.
  3. Meet specific recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

These requirements apply to all contractors and subcontractors involved in the construction, alteration, or repair work. However, the taxpayer claiming the increased credit or deduction is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance.

Ensuring compliance with the PWA requirements and other clean energy tax credits is a top priority for the IRS. Significant resources will be dedicated to promoting and enforcing these final rules in the coming months. The IRS plans to work closely with taxpayers, advisors, and stakeholders through education and outreach efforts, supported by funding from the IRA.

To assist with compliance, the IRS has released several publications, including:

  • Publication 5983, IRA Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements Fact Sheet
  • Publication 5855, IRA Prevailing Wage & Registered Apprenticeship Overview
  • A set of frequently asked questions about the PWA requirements

Publication 5855 summarizes the PWA requirements, while the FAQs offer detailed information and guidance on how to report suspected tax violations related to the PWA requirements. The IRS takes such referrals seriously and may use the information received during audits.

The PWA provisions include a penalty framework designed to encourage real-time compliance. To avoid penalties and ensure eligibility for the increased credit or deduction amounts, taxpayers should establish robust compliance frameworks. This includes reviewing payroll records, ensuring contracts require adherence to PWA requirements, and maintaining proper classifications of laborers and mechanics.

Additional steps for compliance might include:

  • Regularly reviewing prevailing wage rates and the percentage of labor hours by qualified apprentices.
  • Posting prevailing wage rates prominently or providing written notice to laborers and mechanics.
  • Establishing procedures for reporting suspected non-compliance without fear of retaliation.
  • Contacting the Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship or relevant state agencies for assistance in locating registered apprenticeship programs.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) determines the applicable prevailing wage rates for each classification of laborers and mechanics in specific geographic areas. For more information about these rates, visit the DOL’s website.

To support compliance, the DOL and IRS are working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be signed by the end of the year. This MOU will facilitate joint education, public outreach, and the development of training content for IRS personnel. It will also allow the DOL to share credible tips or information about potential non-compliance with the IRS.

For more information, visit the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 page on IRS.gov.

Image: Envato

This article, "Treasury and IRS Issue Final Regulations on Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements" was first published on Small Business Trends

Friday 21 June 2024

How To Determine a “Want” Versus a Business “Need”

“How do you determine what a business “want” is versus a business “need”? Please share any frameworks or methodologies you use to help prioritize what your business needs.”

Here’s what YEC community members had to say:

1. Can a business function without it?

“In the book “Profit First”, Mike Michalowicz discusses how start-ups are so scrappy and don’t waste money on anything unnecessary, while still managing to function and scale. But by the time a company gets bigger, there are a lot of wasteful and unnecessary expenses. If the business can function without it, I categorize it as a “want” versus a “need.” ~ Rachel Beider, PRESS Modern Massage

2. Focus on Strategic Alignment

“At our B2B marketing agency, we determine a business “want” versus a “need” by focusing on strategic alignment and impact assessment. Our approach involves first understanding the client’s overarching goals and operational requirements. Needs are identified as critical investments that directly contribute to achieving these objectives, ensuring core functionalities and growth opportunities are supported. This is complemented by a rigorous cost-benefit analysis to gauge ROI and resource allocation effectively. Wants, while beneficial, are viewed as enhancements that may not be immediately essential but could provide additional value when resources allow. By prioritizing based on this framework, we ensure that our efforts and investments are aligned with driving sustainable growth and maximizing client success in their respective markets.” ~ Samuel Thimothy, OneIMS – Integrated Marketing Solutions

3. MoSCow Method

“I employ the MoSCoW method (Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won’t have) to determine business needs versus wants. Must-haves are essential for the business to function and meet its goals, indicating needs. Should-haves and could-haves are beneficial but not critical, often categorized as wants. This method allows for clear prioritization and resource allocation. For instance, upgrading essential software is a need, while aesthetic office improvements might be a want. When considering a career break, use the MoSCoW method to prioritize activities that are essential for your personal and professional development over those that are merely desirable.” ~ Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

4. Evaluate Impact

“To distinguish between a business “want” and a business “need,” I focus on evaluating impact and necessity through a holistic lens. I begin by clearly defining the business’s short-term and long-term objectives. Understanding these goals provides a solid foundation for identifying what is essential versus what is merely desirable. Next, I assess how each potential action or investment aligns with these objectives, considering whether it directly contributes to achieving key goals. If an action is crucial for meeting these goals, it is typically a need; if it enhances or adds value without being critical, it is more likely a want. I also perform a cost-benefit analysis, comparing the costs involved with the expected benefits of each potential action. Needs usually show a clear and necessary return on investment (ROI) or are essential for maintaining operations, while wants might offer benefits that don’t necessarily justify the costs if resources are limited. Additionally, I create a prioritization matrix to plot actions based on their impact and effort. Needs often fall into high-impact categories, while wants are often lower in impact.” ~ Michelle Aran, Velvet Caviar

5. Consider the Strategic Vision

“When distinguishing between business “wants” and “needs,” it’s crucial to consider the overarching strategic vision of the company and its immediate operational requirements. One effective approach is to incorporate a holistic view that combines financial analysis, strategic alignment, and risk assessment. Start by outlining clear short-term and long-term business objectives. By understanding these goals, you can better evaluate whether a particular initiative is essential for achieving key milestones or if it simply adds value without being critical to success. Next, conduct a rigorous cost-benefit analysis for each potential action or investment. Needs should demonstrate a clear and necessary return on investment (ROI) or be vital for sustaining daily operations. In contrast, wants may offer benefits that, while desirable, may not justify the associated costs, especially when resources are constrained. By integrating these elements into your decision-making process, you can effectively distinguish between business wants and needs, ensuring that resources are allocated strategically to drive sustainable growth and operational excellence in alignment with the company’s overarching goals” ~ Robert De Los Santos, Sky High Party Rentals

6. Run the decision through a framework

“Distinguishing between business “wants” and “needs” is crucial for effective resource allocation. Here’s a framework I use: Impact vs. Cost: Needs directly and significantly impact core business functions. They might be essential for daily operations, legal compliance, or maintaining a competitive edge. Wants, while potentially beneficial, have a less critical impact or a higher associated cost. Necessity vs. Discretionary: Needs are essential for business survival or growth. They are non-negotiable expenses or investments directly tied to core functions. Wants are discretionary expenses that enhance operations or employee experience but aren’t fundamental for survival. Urgency vs. Timeline: Needs often have a clear deadline or require immediate action to avoid negative consequences. Wants, on the other hand, can usually be deferred or implemented on a longer timeline. By analyzing potential initiatives through this framework, you can categorize them as needs or wants. Additionally, a prioritization matrix can be helpful. This involves plotting initiatives on a grid based on urgency and impact. Needs that are urgent and high-impact take top priority, while wants with lower urgency and effects can be placed on hold or reevaluated.” ~ Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

7. The Eisenhower Matrix

“Determining a business “want” versus a business “need” often involves evaluating the impact on core operations and goals. One effective framework I use is the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on urgency and importance. Needs are typically tasks that are both urgent and important, directly affecting the business’s functionality and strategic objectives. Wants, on the other hand, may be important but not urgent, or neither urgent nor important. This methodology helps prioritize resources and efforts toward activities that sustain and grow the business. When evaluating a career break, consider using similar prioritization techniques to ensure the time off aligns with your essential personal and professional goals.” ~ Andrew Munro, AffiliateWP

8. Evaluate ROI

“Assess the potential impact or ROI. Consider if an investment will yield higher efficiency (either a productivity boost or time savings), reduced costs, or improvements to sales. Weigh that against the projected spend and then see if it’s ultimately something you need or want. Most of the time, things in the ‘want’ category simply can’t be justified using simple math.” ~ Firas Kittaneh, Amerisleep Mattress

9. Prioritizing Needs Lead to Long-Term Success

“It’s important for businesses to differentiate between initiatives that are a “want” and those that are a “need,” as prioritizing the latter can make a significant impact on the company’s long-term success. To determine which initiatives are truly critical for the business, it’s necessary to evaluate factors such as alignment with business goals, urgency, ROI, and resource constraints. By taking a thorough and analytical approach to decision-making, businesses can avoid investing in initiatives that may not provide the desired return and instead focus their efforts on those that will yield the greatest impact.” ~ Benjamin Rojas, All in One SEO

Image: Envato

This article, "How To Determine a “Want” Versus a Business “Need”" was first published on Small Business Trends

Thursday 20 June 2024

Adobe and TikTok Integrate Music Library into Adobe Express

Adobe and TikTok have teamed up to integrate TikTok’s Commercial Music Library into Adobe Express via the Symphony Assistant add-on. This collaboration will empower small businesses and content creators to produce high-impact TikTok content with ease. Announced at the Cannes Lions International Festival for Creativity, the integration provides Adobe Express users access to over a million top and trending songs pre-cleared by TikTok for commercial use.

Adobe Express is an AI-driven content creation app that allows users to design and share social media posts, videos, flyers, and more quickly. By incorporating TikTok’s Commercial Music Library, Adobe Express aims to help marketers and advertisers create, score, and publish engaging TikTok content efficiently.

Music plays a crucial role in the success of brands on TikTok, with 88% of users stating that sound is essential in conveying brand identity and influencing purchasing decisions. With the Symphony Assistant add-on, Adobe Express users can now access a wide range of music styles and genres from emerging and established artists, making it easier to find the perfect soundtrack for their content.

Govind Balakrishnan, SVP of Adobe Express and Creative Cloud Services, emphasized the importance of quick and engaging social content for competitiveness. He stated, “Producing and publishing engaging social content quickly is critical, and on TikTok, music is a must. Adobe Express features, powered by Adobe Firefly, generate stunning imagery at speed and are designed to be commercially safe. By making TikTok’s Commercial Music Library easily accessible within Adobe Express, we can now offer our customers an even easier and faster way of producing more effective TikTok content that works for their business.”

Andy Yang, Global Head of Creative Product at TikTok, highlighted the platform’s focus on creativity. He said, “Content, communities, and cultures are all directly connected to, and built by, creativity on the platform. We are continuously building and investing in creative solutions to help our brands be creative storytellers and connect with the TikTok community. We are excited to further expand our partnership with Adobe, giving brands the tools to soundtrack their TikTok content and create at scale.”

Adobe and TikTok’s partnership looks to improve the creative process for users, making it easier to produce impactful TikTok content. Adobe Express users can now utilize thousands of templates, Adobe Stock video clips, audio, and stickers to edit TikTok videos directly within the app. The Symphony Assistant add-on helps users refine and score TikTok-first video content with best practices, trends, hashtags, and insights to better reach their target audience.

The integration allows social media teams, small businesses, and freelance marketers to leverage trending TikTok songs to increase brand awareness and engagement. For instance, a small business promoting a new location can use the ideal soundtrack to build anticipation for its grand opening, while a freelance marketer can analyze music trends to find the perfect match for their campaign.

Adobe has also become a badged TikTok Marketing Partner, bringing together Adobe’s creative technology and TikTok’s digital expertise to help creators make and market content more effectively.

Starting today, free and Premium Adobe Express customers can access the TikTok Commercial Music Library through the Symphony Assistant add-on in English wherever TikTok is available. For more information, visit Adobe Express.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "Adobe and TikTok Integrate Music Library into Adobe Express" was first published on Small Business Trends

“Buy Now, Pay Later” Services Subject to Consumer Protection Rules

“Buy now, pay later” services are popular among consumers and can help small businesses make more sales. Now, a recent rule issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers more protections for consumers who use these services and, thus, more clarity for small businesses.

The services in question are usually marketed as zero- or low-interest payment plans that allow customers to pay off large purchases over a few weeks or months. There are several third-party companies, like Affirm and Klarna, that allow small businesses to easily offer this option to shoppers.

The benefit for businesses is the improved buying power for customers; they don’t need to wait until they have all the money in their account to complete a purchase. But there are also downsides. For example, if a customer experiences a technical glitch or is unhappy with how the payment service operates, the small business may get blamed. Additionally, small businesses often pay a 1 to 3 percent fee for these transactions, making them similar to credit card transaction fees.

But until recently, these companies did not have to adhere to the same consumer protection rules as credit card companies. Despite about 13 percent of BNPL charges being returned or disputed, service providers were not required to provide protections like refunds or billing statements.

The CFPB is changing that now, interpreting a rule stating that these services are subject to the same consumer protection standards as credit card companies. This doesn’t mean that small businesses using such services have to change any of their specific processes. But the third-party providers are now required to meet these standards.

What this means is a more predictable experience for consumers. And since shoppers are likely to connect their experience with a BNPL provider to that of the small business they’ve bought from, the change could lead to improved reputations and customer loyalty.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "“Buy Now, Pay Later” Services Subject to Consumer Protection Rules" was first published on Small Business Trends

Cities Offering Discounted Pop-Up Spaces to Fill Retail Vacancies

Some big cities are getting creative to fill vacant retail and office space in their commercial districts. And it’s leading to increased opportunities for small businesses.

For example, Seattle Restored is a program that offers pop-up spaces for retail, events, and art exhibits by making empty spaces available at discounted rates.

Small businesses and artisans in the community can browse spaces on the organization’s website, searching and sorting options based on neighborhood, type of space, and community impact.

The idea is to provide available retail space to small businesses that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it, all while revitalizing the city’s commercial districts.

Seattle Restored Program Director Andrea Porter told KXAN, “We were learning from artists and entrepreneurs what their needs were when they were looking at coming out of the pandemic. A lot of them were saying an opportunity to have a brick-and-mortar space would be amazing.”

The Downtown Austin Alliance is also launching a similar program to combat the city’s 12 percent storefront vacancy rate. The Downtown Austin Space Activation program offers discounted spaces for a variety of business ventures, including pop-up restaurants, mini-markets, art installations, event spaces, and collaborative co-working spaces.

The Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation is helping to cover some of the cost of these spaces through donations. So the small businesses that rent spaces will receive them at a steep discount, accessing priority downtown locations without having to sign and pay for long-term leases.

DASA’s website states, “A lack of affordable space poses barriers to many Austinites showcasing their talents downtown. Vacant storefronts and spaces downtown lead to fewer folks coming downtown to play, shop and explore. DASA bridges this gap by connecting artists, artisans, musicians, entrepreneurs, and creatives of all kinds with donated space and resources to bring their ideas to life, encouraging diversity and dynamism in our city.”

Utilizing these retail spaces in prominent business districts can help businesses and artisans reach new customers and bring their ventures to the next level. But the traditional model of long-term leases at full price is often cost-prohibitive for the newest businesses.

Programs like this may not be available in every community. But they’re becoming more popular, and businesses that wouldn’t otherwise be able to utilize brick-and-mortar locations are benefitting.

Image: Shutterstock

This article, "Cities Offering Discounted Pop-Up Spaces to Fill Retail Vacancies" was first published on Small Business Trends

Spotlight: Just Jai Wear Founder Speaks on Importance of Mental Health in Business

Taking care of mental health is an important part of life as a business owner. But sometimes, issues arise that may impact your business journey. In fact, the founder of Just Jai Wear understands how mental health can impact entrepreneurship. Read more about her journey in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Providing stylish tummy control and heated fitness apparel.

Business Niche

Supporting an important cause.

Founder Jai-Leta Colvard told Small Business Trends, “Through our apparel, we empower the community to support mental health.”

How the Business Got Started

To support a personal health journey.

Colvard says, “I was diagnosed with hypertension in 2014 and I wanted to start a workout regimen that empowers women. I wanted to feel good and look good for all women in a great effort to obtain positive results.”

Biggest Win

Scoring some big partnerships.

Colvard explains, “I was featured in Macy’s in Atlanta as a top Producer in 2019, and as a result, was afforded the opportunity to be featured in Macy’s in LA and San Francisco, which solidified my partnership with LPGA in 2023.”

Biggest Challenge

Overcoming mental health challenges.

Colvard says, “In 2020, I experienced the loss of my grandparents and a tragic loss of my best friend which resulted in my mental health crisis. I had to step away from my business. I was able to stay in business since my mom paid for my Shopify for a year.”

Biggest Risk

Re-launching the business after a year away.

Colvard adds, “I did not know how I was going to be received after graduating from a mental health facility. I discovered there were so many people suffering like me. I created a non-profit to provide financial support for mental health challenges.”

Lesson Learned

Don’t wait to address mental health challenges.

Colvard says, “[If I could do it over again,] I would have seen a therapist a week after dealing with depression and opposed to suffering for over a year. I could have avoided a lot of turmoil and could have saved my business earlier.”

Favorite Quote

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou.


Images: Just Jai Wear

This article, "Spotlight: Just Jai Wear Founder Speaks on Importance of Mental Health in Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

Wednesday 19 June 2024

TikTok Unveils Symphony Digital Avatars and AI Dubbing

TikTok has launched Symphony Digital Avatars, AI Dubbing for global translations, and Symphony Collective at TikTok World 2024. These new tools look to help creators and brands produce content that stands out on TikTok. Symphony’s suite of AI-powered solutions blends human imagination with AI efficiency, making content development and creativity more scalable on the platform.

Businesses of all sizes, creators, and agencies can use Symphony to boost their content on TikTok. Research shows that creating TikTok-specific ads increases purchase intent by 37% and brand favorability by 38%. Additionally, 79% of TikTok users prefer brands that understand how to create content for the platform.

Andy Yang, Head of Creative Product at TikTok, said, “At TikTok, we aim to empower creators and propel their creativity to a global audience with the power of generative AI. Symphony Digital Avatars unlock a new avenue for creators to scale their opportunities with brands globally. We aim to fuel the creator economy by investing in creative solutions that spark joy, imagination, and action.”

Symphony Digital Avatars bring a new way for creators and brands to engage audiences with AI-generated avatars of real people. These avatars can help scale creative strategies on TikTok, providing a personalized, human touch. With 58% of TikTok users more likely to trust brands they learn about from TikTok creators, avatars offer a way to globalize branded content with diverse gestures, expressions, nationalities, ages, and languages.

Two types of Digital Avatars are introduced:

  1. Stock Avatars: Pre-built avatars created using paid actors licensed for commercial use. They allow businesses to add a human touch to their content with accessible global creators from various backgrounds, nationalities, and over 30 languages.
  2. Custom Avatars: These avatars represent a creator or brand spokesperson with multi-language abilities. Creators can use their own likeness to create multi-lingual avatars, expanding their global reach and brand collaborations. Brands can build Custom Avatars with their brand IP, spokesperson, or a partnered creator, enabling easy collaboration with creators worldwide to localize their global campaigns.

Symphony AI Dubbing, part of the AI creative suite, helps brands scale their creative campaigns by breaking down language barriers. This global translation tool allows creators and brands to translate their content into over 10 languages and dialects. AI Dubbing automatically detects the original language in a video, transcribes, translates, and produces a dubbed video in the selected languages, making the message more inclusive and impactful.

To foster industry feedback and responsible AI use in creative marketing, TikTok has launched the Symphony Collective: Industry Advisory Board. This board includes content creators and thought leaders from companies like Mondelez, American Eagle, Wendy’s, the NBA, and agencies such as OMD, Tinuiti, and VaynerMedia. Creators like Drea Okeke, David Ma, Michelle Gonzales, and O’Neil Thomas will also provide critical feedback on TikTok’s AI marketing solutions and discuss the industry at large.

Image: TikTok

This article, "TikTok Unveils Symphony Digital Avatars and AI Dubbing" was first published on Small Business Trends

iPadOS 18: New Calculator, Handwriting Tools, and Apple Intelligence

Apple has unveiled iPadOS 18, introducing a range of new features designed to improve the iPad experience. These updates include a new Calculator app with Math Notes, advanced handwriting tools in Notes, and more customization options for the Home Screen and Control Center. The Photos app has also been redesigned, and new messaging features have been added.

iPadOS 18 also introduces Apple Intelligence, a personal intelligence system integrated into the operating system. It uses generative models and personal context to simplify tasks and improve user experience. According to Apple, this feature is built with privacy in mind and takes full advantage of Apple silicon and the Neural Engine.

Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, stated, “Our most versatile device is becoming even more powerful and intelligent than ever with iPadOS 18.” He highlighted new ways to personalize the Home Screen, a redesigned Photos app, updates to the Notes app, the addition of Calculator with Math Notes, and the introduction of Apple Intelligence.

The new Calculator app for iPad includes Math Notes, allowing users to type or write out mathematical expressions and see them solved in their own handwriting. The app also features a graphing tool and a history function to keep track of previous calculations. With unit conversions and scientific calculator options, users can quickly convert measurements and solve complex equations.

Handwritten notes receive a boost with Smart Script, which smooths and straightens handwriting in real-time. Users can easily edit handwritten text, add space, scratch out sentences, and even paste typed text in their own handwriting. The Notes app also introduces new text highlight colors and the ability to collapse sections under headings for better organization.

Customization options have been expanded with iPadOS 18. Users can now personalize the Home Screen by placing app icons and widgets in any open position, choosing light, dark, or tinted appearances, and resizing app icons for a streamlined look. Control Center has been redesigned for easier access to frequently used controls, with new customization options and support for third-party app controls.

The new tab bar in iPadOS 18 floats above app content, providing easier navigation and complementing the sidebar. Users can reorder or add tabs from the sidebar, enhancing their in-app experience. The Photos app has also received its biggest redesign yet, automatically organizing libraries and offering new ways to browse and pin favorite collections.

Messages in iPadOS 18 now include text formatting options like bold, underline, italics, and animated text effects. Users can react to messages with any emoji or sticker and schedule messages to send at a later time. Safari, touted as the world’s fastest browser, introduces Highlights and a redesigned Reader experience for a more streamlined presentation of web content.

Privacy controls have been enhanced in iPadOS 18, allowing users to lock and hide apps, manage app access to contacts, and seamlessly pair Bluetooth accessories. Apple Intelligence provides new systemwide Writing Tools for rewriting, proofreading, and summarizing text across various apps, as well as new image capabilities with Image Playground.

Other updates in iPadOS 18 include a new Passwords app, improved SharePlay features, enhanced gaming experiences with Game Mode and Personalized Spatial Audio, and new tools in Reminders and Calendar. Apple Maps now offers offline access to custom walking routes and thousands of national park hikes.

Image: Apple

This article, "iPadOS 18: New Calculator, Handwriting Tools, and Apple Intelligence" was first published on Small Business Trends

Small Business Owners Advocate in D.C. for Key Tax and Reporting Changes

Small business owners from across the country gathered in Washington, D.C., for the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) annual Fly-In event on Capitol Hill. This event brings together small business advocates to discuss critical issues directly with lawmakers. The focus is on making the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent and repealing the burdensome Beneficial Ownership reporting requirements.

NFIB President Brad Close emphasized the challenges facing the small business economy and the impact of current policies from Washington. He noted, “The small business economy continues to face significant challenges and the policies coming out of Washington aren’t making it any better.” The Fly-In offers small business owners a unique opportunity to speak directly with lawmakers about the importance of the Small Business Deduction and other pressing issues.

One of the main advocacy points for the NFIB this year is the passage of the Main Street Tax Certainty Act. This legislation aims to prevent a significant tax increase on small businesses by making the Small Business Deduction permanent before it expires in 2025. Small business owners argue that this deduction is crucial for their financial stability and growth, and its permanence would provide long-term tax relief and predictability.

Another key issue on the agenda is the Repealing Big Brother Overreach Act. This proposed legislation seeks to repeal the Corporate Transparency Act and its associated beneficial ownership reporting requirements. Many small business owners view these requirements as overly burdensome and invasive, arguing that they add unnecessary complexity and costs to their operations.

During the Fly-In, NFIB members attended various advocacy programs designed to prepare them for their meetings with lawmakers. These programs provide essential information on how to effectively communicate their concerns and the specific impacts of current and proposed legislation on their businesses. By sharing their personal stories and experiences, small business owners aim to highlight the real-world consequences of legislative decisions and advocate for policies that support their growth and success.

Brad Close also penned an op-ed in the Washington Times, outlining the top issues small business owners will discuss with Congress. This piece serves to further raise awareness and support for the NFIB’s key advocacy points, emphasizing the need for policies that foster a favorable environment for small businesses.

The NFIB’s annual Fly-In is a significant event for small business advocacy, providing a platform for business owners to engage directly with policymakers. By voicing their concerns and priorities, these entrepreneurs play a vital role in shaping legislation that affects their operations and the broader small business community.

Small business owners will continue to make their voices heard on Capitol Hill, advocating for the Main Street Tax Certainty Act and the Repealing Big Brother Overreach Act. Their efforts aim to ensure that small businesses can thrive and contribute to the economy without being hindered by unfavorable policies and regulations.

Image: Envato

This article, "Small Business Owners Advocate in D.C. for Key Tax and Reporting Changes" was first published on Small Business Trends

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Apple Unveils watchOS 11 with Vitals App and Training Load Measurement

Apple has introduced watchOS 11, bringing new features to Apple Watch users. This update builds on existing sensor technology, algorithms, and a science-based approach to offer users a better understanding of their health and fitness.

With the new Vitals app, users can access important health metrics to make informed daily decisions. Training load measurement provides a new experience for improving fitness and performance. Activity rings are more customizable, and the Smart Stack and Photos face offers more personalization. The Health app on iPhone and iPad now supports pregnant users more effectively. The Translate app and new double tap gesture capabilities improve connectivity and convenience on Apple Watch.

David Clark, Apple’s senior director of watchOS Engineering, stated, “watchOS is the world’s most advanced wearable operating system, supporting Apple Watch users throughout their day to stay healthy, active, and connected. This fall, watchOS 11 makes Apple Watch an even more helpful companion by offering users additional actionable information about their health and fitness, more personalization to fit their unique needs, and new ways to stay connected while on the go.”

The Vitals app in watchOS 11 allows users to measure heart rate, respiratory rate, wrist temperature, sleep duration, and blood oxygen during sleep. It provides a quick view of these metrics and offers context for better health management. The app notifies users when multiple metrics are out of their typical range and links changes to factors like elevation, alcohol consumption, or illness. This app uses data from the Apple Heart and Movement Study to inform out-of-range classifications and notifications.

watchOS 11 also offers additional support for pregnant users. When a pregnancy is logged in the Health app, the Cycle Tracking app on Apple Watch displays gestational age and allows symptom logging. Pregnant users receive reminders to take mental health assessments and alerts for potential fall risks during the third trimester. These features aim to reflect changes in physical and mental health during pregnancy.

Training load is another new feature in watchOS 11, providing understanding into how workouts impact the body over time. This feature compares workout intensity and duration over the last seven days with the last 28 days. Users can rate their workout effort on a scale from 1 to 10, with an algorithm estimating effort for cardio-based workouts. This helps users adjust their training for optimal results. Training load data can be viewed in the Activity app on Apple Watch and the Fitness app on iPhone.

Activity rings are now more customizable in watchOS 11. Users can pause their rings without affecting award streaks and customize goals by day of the week. The Fitness app on iPhone offers new metrics for workouts and allows customization of the Summary tab. Apple Fitness+ has also been redesigned with personalized spaces and new awards.

The Smart Stack in watchOS 11 has new widgets and improved intelligence for easier access to important information. Widgets can be suggested based on time, date, location, and daily routines. The Photos watch face uses machine learning to recommend the best photo options and offers new customization features.

Check In is now available on Apple Watch, allowing users to share their location during workouts. The Translate app provides translation for 20 languages directly on the wrist, with suggested widgets for traveling. The double tap gesture can now be used to scroll through any app on Apple Watch.

Other updates in watchOS 11 include new workout types, custom workouts for pool swims, and Apple Maps hikes for U.S. national parks. Summarized notifications from iPhone will be forwarded to Apple Watch, and ticketing information in Apple Wallet is improved. Tap to Cash allows users to send and receive Apple Cash with nearby devices.

The developer beta of watchOS 11 is available to Apple Developer Program members, with a public beta coming next month. The final version will be released this fall as a free update for Apple Watch Series 6 or later, paired with iPhone Xs or later running iOS 18.

Image: Apple

This article, "Apple Unveils watchOS 11 with Vitals App and Training Load Measurement" was first published on Small Business Trends

Monday 17 June 2024

Some AI Startups Are Bringing Hustle Culture Back to Silicon Valley

The hustle culture that was prominent among early Silicon Valley Startups has dwindled in recent years, giving way to more work-life balance and trends like soft entrepreneurship and quiet quitting. However, the quick advancements of AI has created an ultra-competitive field that has some startups veering back into the hustle-harder mentality.

One example of this re-emerging trend is a recent X post from Jeffrey Wang, co-founder of AI startup Exa Labs. The post, which inquired about purchasing nap pods for his company’s San Francisco office, went viral, with many founders and professionals expressing interest in napping at work. Others joined the conversation to discuss the issues with employers expecting their teams to work such long shifts that may necessitate sleeping at work.

Wang pushed back on that idea in a recent conversation with TechCrunch. In his view, the nap pods would simply be made available to employees who want to optimize sleep since it’s not always possible to do so at home. In addition, he stated that employees are “well paid” and have equity in the company. So, the idea of hustling harder for the business can lead directly to more personal earnings.

He told TechCrunch, “Maybe at some startups, it’s okay for the company to not be your main priority in life, but like, definitely not at a high-growth one.”

This mentality isn’t for everyone and certainly won’t work for every business. Especially in today’s work environment, where employees value flexibility and work-life balance, expectations of hustling all day and potentially even sleeping at work won’t appeal to many new hires.

But there are certain competitive fields where team members may be willing to put in longer hours and make more sacrifices to help their businesses grow. AI is an emerging field with tons of potential. So startups that can innovate quickly are more likely to edge out their competition and eventually create successful offerings, at which point their teams may be able to slow down or spread out the workload a bit. Employers who are upfront about expectations and provide fair compensation may benefit from this mentality, though history shows that this trend may be short-lived.

Image: Shutterstock

This article, "Some AI Startups Are Bringing Hustle Culture Back to Silicon Valley" was first published on Small Business Trends

Sunday 16 June 2024

For the Latest in Tech Don’t Miss TECHSPO Atlanta 2024

TECHSPO Atlanta 2024 is a two-day technology expo taking place June 30 – July 1, 2024. This event brings together developers, marketers, and innovators to showcase the latest advancements in technology and innovation.

You will experience cutting-edge Internet, Mobile, AdTech, MarTech, and SaaS technologies presented by leading players in the field. The expo provides a platform for networking, learning, and collaboration, offering insights into how these technologies can drive the growth of your small business and improve customer engagement. Register today to connect with industry leaders and stay ahead in the tech world.

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Image: Envato

This article, "For the Latest in Tech Don’t Miss TECHSPO Atlanta 2024" was first published on Small Business Trends

4 Tips for Starting a Family Doctor’s Office

Family doctors are very special providers within a community. They typically treat patients of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. You’ll find them everywhere from big cities to rural areas. They offer a variety of services, from prenatal care and vaccinations to screening tests and advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Experts agree that everyone should see a doctor once a year at minimum.

Perhaps you were inspired to become a family physician by watching the plethora of television doctors we all see who make it look so easy. The reality is that being a family doctor, while rewarding, can be a long process to get off the ground. Let’s review a few tips for starting a family doctor’s office.

  1. Ensure You Have Enough Funding

Family doctors wear many hats, including being a business owner. When starting, you’ll need to ensure you have enough funding to cover everything. This includes real estate (whether you choose a building, office suite, or home office), equipment, software, malpractice insurance, and staff. If you don’t have enough capital, you’ll need to consider a loan. You can also cut costs by taking on a partner, splitting the costs with another doctor, or renting out the space to another professional (massage therapist, chiropractor, etc.) at night or on weekends.

  1. Have the Proper Credentials for Insurance Companies

A large portion of your income will likely come by way of insurance companies. To accept patient insurance, you’ll have to show the companies that you are properly credentialed. This process could take several months and includes you proving to them that you are licensed, have malpractice insurance, and that you’re complying with the rules and regulations of your state.

For example, proof that you have contracted a company to properly disclose medical waste will be needed. Fines for improper disposal of hazardous waste can cost medical practices up to $37,500 per incident. This fine will be charged each day that the situation is not remedied.

  1. Have a Good Practice Plan

One of the keys to a successful family doctor’s office is to have a great practice plan in place before even opening the door. You don’t want the office to appear chaotic or messy when patients start coming. A few things to solidify include staffing (office manager, medical assistant, etc.), janitorial/cleaning services, secure vendors for supplies and equipment, ensuring you have easy-to-use, secure software to manage patient files and have services in place for diagnostics (lab work, MRIs, etc.). You’ll also want to consider your patient policies (cancelation, payment options), how you will bill, and have clear expectations for the duties of staff. Be sure to communicate with staff both verbally and in writing.

  1. Market Your Practice

As much as you love being a doctor to your patients, you must always keep in mind that your practice is a business, so it’s important to market your practice and yourself so that you can attract new patients. The good news is that with the wonders of technology, marketing has never been easier (and more cost-effective). The even better news is that if you’re good at what you do, over time, your patients will be your best marketing tool.

But in the meantime, get started by hiring pros to create a website and design a nifty logo to represent your practice; don’t be afraid to showcase your talents and skills as a physician on social media. You can also hire marketing experts to start an email or direct marketing campaign that revolves around specific seasonal issues, like allergies or the common cold. It’s estimated that about half of common cold cases occur in the spring and fall, so consider running a special incentive or promotion for patients to come in during that time.

As a doctor, starting a family practice can be a very rewarding experience. You get to help those in need, but you’ll get to build relationships and watch as your patients grow and add to their families. It’s never easy to start a new business, but with some careful planning, you can make a difference in the lives of many people!

Saturday 15 June 2024

NERC Reports U.S. Regions at Risk for Energy Shortfalls in Summer

Parts of the United States could face electricity supply shortages if demand peaks are higher than anticipated or if less electricity is generated than expected, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment.

Under normal summer conditions, NERC expects the continental United States to have adequate power resources this year. No areas in the United States were considered at high risk this summer, a category indicating a risk of outages during normal conditions.

Electricity demand rises as temperatures increase, with homes and businesses using more air conditioning.

Higher-than-normal temperatures can affect reliability by increasing demand and causing power plant outages or reduced output due to heat.

Widespread heat waves can also limit electricity movement, as more power is needed locally. Transmission can be limited due to overheating risks, natural disasters like wildfires, and insufficient capacity to carry energy where it is needed.

NERC highlighted concerns about having enough resources to meet peak demand as baseload generation retirements increase, and variable resources like solar and wind replace traditional power plants.

Certain regions are at elevated risk of electricity supply shortages during extreme summer conditions. These areas include parts of California, the Southwest, the Midwest, Texas, and New England. This elevated risk means these regions could face shortfalls if summer conditions exceed normal expectations.

Image: Shutterstock

This article, "NERC Reports U.S. Regions at Risk for Energy Shortfalls in Summer" was first published on Small Business Trends

Friday 14 June 2024

Inflation Remains a Top Concern for Small Business Owners

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index saw its highest reading of the year in May, reaching 90.5, a 0.8-point increase from April. Despite this rise, it remains the 29th consecutive month below the historical average of 98. The Uncertainty Index jumped nine points to 85, the highest since November 2020. Inflation remains the top problem for small businesses, with 22% of owners identifying it as their most significant challenge, unchanged from April.

NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg commented on the situation, stating, “The small business sector is responsible for the production of over 40% of GDP and employment, a crucial portion of the economy. But for 29 consecutive months, small business owners have expressed historically low optimism, and their views about future business conditions are at the worst levels seen in 50 years. Small business owners need relief as inflation has not eased much on Main Street.”

Key findings from the report include:

  • A net negative 8% of owners viewed current inventory stocks as “too low” in May, the lowest reading since October 1981.
  • Owners’ plans to hire rose three points to a net 15%, the highest reading of the year.
  • A net 28% plan price hikes in May, up two points from April.
  • Six percent of owners reported that financing was their top business problem, the highest since June 2010.
  • A net 18% plan to raise compensation in the next three months, down three points from April, the lowest since March 2021.
  • Forty-two percent of owners reported job openings they could not fill, seasonally adjusted.

In the last six months, 58% of owners reported capital outlays, a two-point increase from April. Of those, 40% spent on new equipment, 25% acquired vehicles, and 16% improved or expanded facilities. Eleven percent spent on new fixtures and furniture, and 6% acquired new buildings or land for expansion. Twenty-three percent plan capital outlays in the next six months, up one point from April.

Sales figures show a net negative 14% of owners reported higher nominal sales in the past three months. Expectations for higher real sales volumes fell one point to a net negative 13%. The net percent of owners reporting inventory gains fell one point to a net negative 7%.

The net percent of owners raising average selling prices remained unchanged from April at a net 25%. Price hikes were most frequent in the retail (55% higher), finance (50% higher), construction (42% higher), manufacturing (42% higher), and services (37% higher) sectors. Seasonally adjusted, a net 28% plan price hikes in May.

In terms of compensation, a net 37% reported raising compensation, down one point from April. A net 18% plan to raise compensation in the next three months, down three points from April. Ten percent cited labor costs as their top business problem, and 20% identified labor quality as their top issue, just behind inflation.

Profit trends remained negative, with a net negative 30% reporting lower profits, three points worse than April. Weaker sales, higher material costs, labor costs, and lower selling prices were the main reasons for lower profits. For those reporting higher profits, increased sales volumes, seasonal changes, and higher selling prices were credited.

Three percent of owners reported that all their borrowing needs were not satisfied, while 29% reported all credit needs met, and 58% were not interested in a loan. A net 6% said their last loan was harder to get than previous attempts.

The NFIB Research Center has been collecting Small Business Economic Trends data since the fourth quarter of 1973. This survey was conducted in May 2024.

Image: Envato

This article, "Inflation Remains a Top Concern for Small Business Owners" was first published on Small Business Trends

Wednesday 12 June 2024

New Service Helping to Combat Epidemic of Loneliness

The U.S. Surgeon General has warned that Americans are facing an “epidemic of loneliness and isolation,” due to lack of in-person social connection. Technology has certainly played a role in creating this isolation. But one new startup is looking to flip the script, using technology to help people create more real world connections.

Mesh is a free service that matches participants with potential friends for real life meetups. The business is based in Madison, Wisconsin. So it’s currently only available to those in the area.

The experience starts with a quick online survey that asks about each participant’s personal attributes, such as how creative or outgoing they are. Then, Mesh sends out a text to participants each Wednesday asking if they’re interested in a coffee meetup on Saturday. Once the responses are in, an algorithm separates the “yes” responses into groups of four. Then, those who get matched are given a coffee shop to meet that week. Participants don’t talk or interact with the people they’re meeting up with beforehand – they just receive photos right before the meetup to improve safety and help users find one another.

Michael Orosz-Fagen originally thought of the idea for Mesh back in 2021 when he was a student at Saint Louis University. After noticing how many other students ate alone at the dining hall, he thought it would be nice if there was something that helped connect people over a meal. Years later, Orosz-Fagen connected with another student named Stuart Ray at a college mixer, and he helped create the technology to realize the original vision.

Orosz-Fagen told The Cap Times, “I just want people to be able to talk with each other, have fun, get to know each other. There’s so many amazing people out there.”

It’s this simple idea that sets Mesh apart from other technology aimed at creating social connections. Instead of creating complex threads and posting formats like social media platforms, Mesh simply connects people and gives them a way to easily meet in person. It may not provide as many revenue opportunities as social media, but it certainly solves a problem that many individuals face. And that’s how many successful small businesses get started.

Image: Envato

This article, "New Service Helping to Combat Epidemic of Loneliness" was first published on Small Business Trends

Pennsylvania SBA Disaster Loan Deadline for Flood Damage Approaching

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is urging businesses and most private nonprofit organizations in Pennsylvania to apply for economic damage assistance due to the flash flooding and severe storms that hit Berks County on July 9, 2023. The deadline to apply for this assistance is June 28, 2024. The disaster declaration covers Berks County and the surrounding counties of Chester, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, and Schuylkill.

Businesses and organizations can apply for loans up to $2 million, with interest rates of 4% for small businesses and 2.375% for private nonprofit organizations. The loan terms can extend up to 30 years. The SBA sets the loan amounts and terms based on each applicant’s financial condition. Importantly, interest does not accrue, and payments are not due until twelve months from the date of the first loan disbursement.

Eligibility for the loans is based on the size of the applicant, type of activity, and financial resources. The working capital loans can be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been covered had the disaster not occurred. These loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits.

Applicants can apply online and find additional disaster assistance information at SBA.gov/disaster. They can also contact SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov for more information. For those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, telecommunications relay services can be accessed by dialing 7-1-1.

The SBA offers Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) to help meet working capital needs caused by the disaster. These loans are available to small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private nonprofit organizations. The assistance is provided regardless of whether the business suffered any physical property damage.

Submit completed loan applications to the SBA no later than June 28, 2024.

Image: Envato

This article, "Pennsylvania SBA Disaster Loan Deadline for Flood Damage Approaching" was first published on Small Business Trends

Wix Unveils AI-Powered Mobile App Builder for Custom Native Apps

Wix.com Ltd. has announced the launch of AI-powered creation capabilities for its mobile app builder. This new feature allows users to create professional native mobile applications for iOS and Android without needing to write any code. By leveraging a conversational AI chat experience, users can describe the intent and goals of their app, and the AI will generate a fully branded, customizable application tailored to their needs.

The mobile app builder uses AI to guide users through a chat experience to understand their objectives. Based on the information gathered, the AI creates a uniquely designed mobile app for the desired business. Users can then further customize their app using the Mobile App Editor, adding or modifying sections, widgets, designs, themes, and more to suit their specific requirements. Additionally, users can preview the app on their mobile devices before it goes live on the App Store and Google Play.

“Users can now create a custom native mobile app using the AI chat experience by simply describing their goals and visions, and AI does the work,” said Noa Eiland, Head of Mobile Apps at Wix. “We’re thrilled to expand our suite of AI tools to mobile with the launch of AI to our native mobile app builder.”

Users have complete ownership of their apps, including branding on the App Store and Google Play. They can design their app icon and customize the layout, look, and feel to create their desired app. Wix also offers built-in features like stores, bookings, and forums to enhance business apps. The Wix site, dashboard, and app activity are synced in real-time, supporting the submission process with Google and Apple, automatic version updates, new feature releases, and more. Wix handles all these aspects to optimize the native mobile app experience and manage users’ businesses efficiently.

The AI chat experience for the mobile app builder is available globally in English for users who purchase the premium Branded App plan, with pricing starting at $99 per month. To start using this solution, users can click here.

Image: Shutterstock

This article, "Wix Unveils AI-Powered Mobile App Builder for Custom Native Apps" was first published on Small Business Trends

Less Than a Quarter of Small Businesses Offer 401(k) Plans to Employees

Less than a quarter of small businesses currently offer 401(k) plans for employees, according to a recent survey. And this low rate may be largely due to incorrect assumptions.

The survey, which was commissioned by 401(k) provider ShareBuilder 401k, found that only 24 percent of small businesses with between 1 and 50 employees offer 401(k) benefits to employees. The survey also found that 55 percent of respondents believe that their business is too small to access a plan, 28 percent believe they cannot afford to offer a company match, and 22 percent believe that offering plans at all would be too expensive.

However, many of these assumptions are not true. In fact, businesses of any size can offer 401(k) plans, even self-employed businesses. And matching is not required. Additionally, recent legislation known as the Secure Act 2.0 provides tax incentives that can make offering retirement plans more affordable for small businesses.

Stuart Robertson, CEO of ShareBuilder 401k, said in a statement, “Nearly half of all Americans work for small businesses, and 401(k)s have proven effective in helping employees build meaningful nest eggs for retirement. The need to debunk these misconceptions about the access and affordability of 401(k) plans for small businesses is essential to help a large swath of Americans to have the option to retire with financial security. As a country and industry, we must spread awareness about the Secure Act 2.0 tax credits and the tailored solutions available to any size business, including the self-employed, to help ensure a more secure financial future for all and avoid a retirement crisis many indicate lies ahead.”

Retirement plans like 401(k) options can help small businesses attract top talent, improve morale, and limit turnover. But many business owners simply assume that these options are out of their reach.

It’s certainly possible that some employers are unable to afford or manage these options. But it’s important to look into the actual rules and incentives that can impact the feasibility of adding such a program. You may find that it’s more realistic than you thought, and thus be able to add a meaningful benefit that both current and future employees will value.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "Less Than a Quarter of Small Businesses Offer 401(k) Plans to Employees" was first published on Small Business Trends

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Sprout Social Enhances Platform with AI Innovations and 20 New Capabilities

Sprout Social has announced a series of AI-powered product enhancements and 20 new capabilities across its platform. These innovations are designed to help marketers prioritize critical tasks, enhance creativity, and drive more business impact through social media. Many of these advancements will be showcased in Breaking Ground, Sprout’s new quarterly product innovation event.

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, brands face the challenge of quickly and personally connecting with customers on social media. This often leads to difficulties in prioritizing impactful and creative work. Sprout’s latest innovations aim to address these challenges by automating key elements of content creation, reporting, and social care.

Among the standout AI capabilities is Generate by AI Assist, which helps brands improve accessibility by writing highly accurate alt-text for images. Another significant feature, Analyze by AI Assist, identifies notable performance and conversation trends for brands. Additionally, Sprout’s new AI solutions classify and prioritize inbound messages, replace manual data analysis, and craft suggested responses. This human-centered approach to AI saves businesses valuable time, provides better access to actionable data, and allows teams to focus on strategic and creative thinking.

“Our customers are faced with more opportunities and more challenges on social media than ever before, and to meet their growing needs, Sprout’s pace of innovation has never been faster,” said Ryan Barretto, President of Sprout Social. “We constantly gather feedback from our 30,000 customers to influence and drive our product roadmap. These new capabilities aim to address some of our customers’ greatest challenges and embed the latest AI advancements directly into their existing workflows. This will allow our customers to seamlessly benefit from AI and make social even more impactful for their businesses.”

In addition to AI innovations, Sprout Social is introducing several key product updates. These include new access to Snapchat profiles through Tagger, Sprout Social’s influencer marketing platform. This feature enables brands to explore market trends, identify competitive insights, and connect with target audiences in new ways. Sprout is also launching My Reports, a custom reporting interface that offers additional types of data, flexible options for tailored reports, and increased granularity for analyzing subsets of content. Furthermore, Sprout is adding engagement and reporting capabilities with Instagram Threads, allowing marketers to plan, schedule, manage replies, and report on their activities more effectively.

These latest releases from Sprout Social underscore the company’s commitment to driving more impactful social strategies and fostering deeper customer connections through advanced AI and automation, enhanced reporting, and robust network integrations.

Image: Sprout Social

This article, "Sprout Social Enhances Platform with AI Innovations and 20 New Capabilities" was first published on Small Business Trends

Lorenzo Bonfiglio: How Pop-Up Stores Are Revitalizing Neighborhoods Across the U.S.

You’ve probably been inside one, maybe even bought something from one: Pop-up stores are becoming increasingly popular in both small and big cities. And they’re also an increasingly popular way to revitalize neighborhoods across the U.S. by bringing new life and energy to vacant retail spaces.

These temporary retail spaces offer a great opportunity for entrepreneurs, artists, and small businesses to showcase their products and services, while also attracting foot traffic and generating buzz in the local community.

We recently asked Lorenzo Bonfiglio, Head of Expansion and Strategy for xNomad, a Swedish marketplace platform that specializes in short-term retail pop-ups, to share some thoughts on how this works.

Filling Vacant Spaces and Generating Income

One of the primary benefits of pop-up stores is their ability to fill vacant retail spaces that would otherwise remain empty and uninviting. By occupying these spaces, even temporarily, pop-up stores can generate rental income for property owners and prevent the negative impact of vacant storefronts on the surrounding area. This not only provides a financial boost but also helps maintain the vibrancy and appeal of the neighborhood.

Pop-up stores can be particularly beneficial in areas that have been hit hard by economic downturns or shifts in consumer behavior. By activating vacant spaces, even for a short period, these temporary businesses can help prevent the spiral of blight and disinvestment that can occur when too many storefronts remain unoccupied.

Testing New Concepts and Markets

Pop-up stores serve as an excellent testing ground for businesses to gauge consumer interest and demand for their products or services in a particular location. This low-risk approach allows entrepreneurs to experiment with new concepts, gather valuable customer feedback, and make informed decisions about potential long-term investments without committing to a permanent lease.

The flexibility of pop-up stores also allows businesses to test different locations and neighborhoods without being locked into a long-term commitment. This can be particularly valuable for businesses that cater to specific demographics or target markets, as they can move their pop-up store to different areas to find the best fit for their offerings.

Fostering Community Engagement

Pop-up stores can also play a vital role in fostering community engagement and creating a sense of vibrancy in neighborhoods. By offering unique and locally-sourced products, pop-up stores can attract visitors from both within and outside the area, exposing them to the neighborhood’s offerings and potentially encouraging them to explore further.

Pop-up stores can also serve as gathering spaces for local events, workshops, or performances, further enhancing the sense of community and providing opportunities for residents to connect with one another. This can be particularly valuable in areas where traditional community spaces may be lacking or underutilized.

Revitalizing Downtown Areas

Many cities are recognizing the potential of pop-up stores to revitalize their downtown areas, which have been hit hard by the rise of e-commerce and the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs like San Francisco’s “Vacant to Vibrant” initiative and Pittsburgh’s “Project Pop-Up” are providing support and incentives for small businesses and artists to open temporary storefronts in vacant downtown spaces. These efforts aim to breathe new life into once-thriving business districts, attracting visitors and encouraging long-term investment.

In addition to providing financial incentives, some cities are also streamlining the permitting process and offering logistical support to make it easier for pop-up stores to set up and operate. This can include assistance with finding suitable spaces, navigating local regulations, and promoting the pop-up stores to the community.

Challenges and Considerations

It’s clear that pop-up stores offer lots of benefits. But they also present challenges that must be addressed. Legal and regulatory compliance, such as obtaining necessary permits and licenses, can be a hurdle for pop-up store owners.

Also, property owners may be hesitant to lease their spaces for short-term use, requiring incentives or assistance from local authorities. Another challenge is ensuring that pop-up stores align with the long-term vision and character of the neighborhood. While temporary activations can be beneficial, it’s important to strike a balance between supporting entrepreneurship and maintaining the unique identity and charm of the area.

Despite these challenges, the positive impact of pop-up stores on revitalizing neighborhoods is undeniable. By providing opportunities for entrepreneurship, fostering community engagement, and breathing new life into vacant spaces, pop-up stores are playing a crucial role in the rejuvenation of urban areas across the U.S.

Monday 10 June 2024

Small Business Owners Most Concerned with Payment Fraud

Small business owners are increasingly concerned about various forms of fraud, according to a recent survey. But payment fraud is their top concern.

KeyBank’s 2024 Small Business Survey asked nearly 2,000 small business owners about their fraud concerns. Of those respondents, 44 percent said that their biggest concern is payment fraud, unauthorized transactions or fund transfers. However, this is far from the only concern for today’s small businesses; 37 percent said they are most worried about identify theft, 28 percent are most concerned with malware and ransomware attacks, and 27 are more concerned about phishing and email scams.

Mike Walters, President of Business Banking at KeyBank, said in a release, “With the introduction of new technology over the last several years, small businesses are some of the many that have fallen victim to fraudulent activity. It’s important for owners to have a plan in place and KeyBank is proud to provide resources that can help their business run better.”

All of these forms of fraud are unfortunately prevalent for small businesses. Evolving forms of technology have made it easier than ever for hackers and scammers to target businesses. And independent entrepreneurs often don’t have the same resources as larger firms to fight against these threats.

In fact, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners found that small businesses consistently rank highest in fraud frequency. Between 2002 and 2022, ACFE found that about 28 percent of small businesses experience some form of fraud each year, with larger organizations experiencing fraud at rates between 22 and 26 percent.

While there are many forms of fraud that small business owners may face, it’s important to dedicate resources toward fighting all of these potential threats. Even without tons of extra capital, it is often worthwhile for small businesses to invest in training and put systems in place to prevent payment fraud, phishing, identity theft, and more, since these issues are prevalent and can cause major harm to small businesses.

Image: Envato

This article, "Small Business Owners Most Concerned with Payment Fraud" was first published on Small Business Trends