Thursday 16 June 2016

Is Your Office Design Hurting or Helping Employee Productivity?

Is there any connection between how your office is furnished and employee productivity? If you look at the amenities provided by Google, Facebook and other innovative companies you could argue that creating right atmosphere and furnishing the office properly can encourage creativity and make your employees more productive. Creating a welcoming atmosphere in the office is just as important is it is in the home. Your employees feel more relaxed and at easy in this environment and can do their best work.

Many companies are scraping the idea of cubicles and instead are opting for open floor plan to encourage their employees to collaborate and socialize. You can take this one step further and provide open space with suitable furniture that will make employees gather around to brainstorm and socialize. Research shows that this type of environment can help businesses bring out the best ideas in their employees and come up with innovative products that will keep them competitive. So how can you set up your office to achieve this goal of higher creativity and productivity? Here are some tips.

Your reception area is the first place visitors and employees will see as soon as they enter the office. You should create a welcoming atmosphere for this part of the office. This means putting up a top quality desk for your receptionist, a sofa and few chairs, a table, some reading materials. You should also include live plants to bring the area come alive. How you decorate the reception area can determine whether your visitors and employees feel welcomed or are turned off as soon as they enter the office.

Moving into the office space you will obviously want a comfortable chair and workspace for each employee, but you also want to set up collaboration zones where employees can come together to take a break and relax. Instead of populating this area with basic table and chairs opt for sofa and game tables to make it more inviting and appealing. The purpose of this area is to help your employees take a break yet stay focused on the work.

Developing a welcoming atmosphere in your office is very important and can make a big difference in how your employees feel and perform. Look for premium suppliers that can provide top quality furniture for businesses, as they can offer various combinations that can be useful for all areas of your office.

Do yo agree? Any other suggestions or success stories you would like to share in the comments below?

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