Sunday 10 July 2016

7 Practical Tips to Establish Strong Relationship with Your Employees

Employee Engagement
They say it’s the people that make a company. If you are reading this article right now, it’s because you realise the importance of your staff and creating the best environment possible to produce quality work.

When you think about it, your employees are on the front line. They are the ones driving in new clients, interacting with customers or clients and more. It makes complete sense to want to do everything you can to make sure they are happy and engaged workers.

There are some tricks for optimal employee engagement, however. This article will discuss some of the ways you can build a good rapport with your staff and ensure they are motivated to keep on performing at their best. Building trust is essential and is the foundation of a great working relationship.

Key points to establishing a great relationship with your employees:
  1. Don’t act like you’re the one on top. If you struggle with letting others know that you are more superior then them, you will need to work on this instantly. It puts employees off coming to you and talking to you on a grounded level from the very start. Even though you are in a higher position of authority, your staff will know this already so you won’t need to reinforce this.
  1. Don’t dress too Part of the humanisation process and building rapport is making sure you become more approachable. Sometimes when you’re in a more casual environment, a sharp suit with a smart tie will do the opposite. It can almost act as some kind of barrier.
  1. Try and respond to staff emails quickly. Having a good response time and trying to answer every email your employees send you is really important. This is the key to helping your staff feels as though they can come to you no matter what. What’s more is that they know they will be heard.
  1. Make an effort to hang out where staff hangs from time to time. Ensuring you’re not locked up in your office or always running to the restaurant for lunch, try and get to know what your staff do for their down time during the working day. Doing so can put you in an environment where everyone is automatically more relaxed so you can start creating a stronger relationship.
  1. Try and be as transparent as possible. Creating an environment where there are no secrets is essential to having a great relationship with your staff. Keeping things transparent and ensuring staff is always kept in the loop when there are issues/changes affecting them is important.
  1. Always help your staff out. Supporting your employees whether it’s with personal issues they may be facing to problems at work shows you care. This is from with a viewpoint to just basic human empathy and connection which can often be overlooked when everyone is busy and rushing to meet targets. It makes a big difference to show you care and that employees can come and talk to you in a time of need.
  1. Try and have an open door policy. Instead of always shutting your office, staff will appreciate an open door. They feel as though they can walk in and talk much easier than if your door is always closed as though you’re trying to shut all the noise out.
We hope you have taken some good points from this article so you can take one step further towards building a strong relationship with your staff.

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