Tuesday 4 June 2019

Take the Q2 2019 Small Business Energy Survey, Read More

The cost of electricity can reach as low as 9.29 cents per kilowatt in Louisiana. And it can go all the way to 33.9 cents in Hawaii. But it makes no difference how high or low your electric bill gets. The cost remains a large monthly expense.

And so cutting that cost gives YOU a competitive advantage.

But the good news is there are resources and ways for you to lower this expense. The partnership between Small Business Trends and Constellation Energy is created with that in mind.

It all begins with the Small Business Energy Survey, which is designed to get insights into how small businesses are saving energy. The goal of the survey is to find the best possible energy solutions specifically geared to the needs of small businesses.

The Q1 2019 Energy Survey is now available so you can see just how your peers across the country responded.

Click below to begin:

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Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card Just for Participating

Not only will you learn how to save money on your energy bill. Taking the time to fill out the survey also automatically enrolls you for the chance to in a $100 gift card for Amazon.

Reviewing the Q1 2019 Survey

In the Q1 survey, businesses across 14+ industries and sub-industries participated. Restaurants, construction firms, retail, agriculture, manufacturing businesses all took part in the survey. And 80% of the businesses only had one location.

The report said many business owners are seeing the benefits of being environmentally friendly.

How Does this Small Business Energy Report Differ?

You may ask what makes this survey different from other similar small business studies?

Most surveys are conducted with customers or members of organizations.  That means the results only represent that membership.

The partnership between Small Business Trends and Constellation Energy aims to reach a broader base of small business owners across industries, across the country and across energy providers so that small business owners, like you, can get access to benchmarking data and ideas about how other business owners are saving on energy.

Be a Part of this Important Quarterly Survey

Saving on energy bills involves much more than just turning down the thermostat in the office. For example, you and your employees may feel strongly about saving the environment? Or maybe you do your part by recycling old office equipment. Then again saving on energy costs may be your thing.

And that’s what this survey focuses on.

Regardless of what your energy goals are, you’re going to find out what other small business are doing too.

By participating in the survey, you will get the report as soon as it becomes available. With this information you can implement the latest strategies in energy saving. And get rid of those which are no longer efficient. This in turn will save you money and make you more profitable.

Increase Profitability Through Energy Savings

According to the partnership, the overarching goal of this initiative is to increase the profitability and growth of small businesses. This includes making sustainability, energy usage, and recycling a competitive advantage.

As more consumers choose businesses who practice environmentally sustainable energy policies, the benefit will be two-fold. On the one hand you will save money with improved energy policies. And on the other more customers will see your company as a good place to do business with.

If you don’t want to miss out this time around, take the Q2 2019 Small Business Energy Survey. In only three minutes, you can help the small business community be more energy efficient. And again you’ll also have a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

Start Here

Image: Depositphotos.com

This article, "Take the Q2 2019 Small Business Energy Survey, Read More" was first published on Small Business Trends

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