Friday 5 March 2021

In the News: February Delivers 32,000 Jobs From Small Businesses

February Delivers 32,000 Jobs From Small Businesses

The addition of 32,000 jobs by small businesses in the month of February is good news considering the current state of the pandemic. However, consider the overall state of the labor market, things are not looking good.

Overall there was a total of 117,000 jobs for the month, compared to 183,000 for February 2020. And just as last year most of the contribution from small businesses came through the service-producing sector. This also explains the great numbers from franchises. According to ADP, franchises managed to deliver 35,500 new jobs this month, with 30,000 of them coming from restaurants.

At 117,000 the national number is good when you take into account the current state of the economy and the pandemic. Nationally the service-producing sector was responsible for 131,00o in February, but a loss of 14,000 jobs in manufacturing and 3,000 jobs in construction brought the number down to 131,000.

You can read the rest of the data on Small Businesses Add 32,000 Jobs in February in this week’s roundup along with other issues addressing small businesses. This week you can read about how to improve your BBB rating, best tax software for small businesses filing in 2020, much more.

Small Business News Roundup – March 5, 2021

The headlines making news for small businesses this week are:

ADP Introduces Roll, a “Reimagined Way to Do Payroll” for Small Business

As small businesses navigate their way out of the pandemic, there is a growing demand for technologies that make processes and procedures more efficient. In walks a new payroll app named Roll. Roll is delivered by ADP, specialists in helping organizations of all sizes unlock their potential through advanced technology and cloud-based solutions. Survey Shows Small Business Owners Remain Optimistic for 2021

A new survey from showed that despite all the setbacks caused by the COVID pandemic, small business owners remain optimistic about their future this year. Check out the full results from this latest optimism survey to see why small business spirits remain high.

How VR is Changing Workforce Collaboration for Enterprise and SMB

COVID-19 forced businesses to learn to collaborate remotely – and quickly. Essentially overnight, offices were shuttered, travel halted, and teams were working from home – in some cases, for the first time. And while many enterprises were more adept, having already adopted tools for remote collaboration, many small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) had to scramble.

Where Is Amazon Going Now in 2021?

Amazon has a huge effect on both small businesses and consumers all over the country. With Jeff Bezos stepping down, where is the company headed in 2021? On the Small Business Radio Show this week, I discuss that future with Jason Boyce, the founder and CEO of Avenue 7 Media, LLC, a seller management group that harnesses the power of Amazon for direct-to-consumer product brands.

How Accountants Can Win New Clients

Whether you work as an accountant for yourself or in a company, you’ll probably need to find new business at some point. How do you do it? Consider the ways highlighted below.

Do You Know How to Improve Your BBB Rating?

A stellar Better Business Bureau rating for your business will give you star power. The BBB rating is a measuring stick that tells the consumer what to expect from businesses. Peer members of your business community read the ratings.

Electronic Signature Apps for Small Business

Electronic signature apps like HelloSign are becoming an important part of modern document management for small businesses. Digital signatures cut down on costs. Signing documents on the go reduces processing time. What’s more, clients are willing to provide signatures and send documents digitally.

Best Tax Software for Small Business Filing in 2021

Tax preparation may not be the most exciting element of running a small business — but it is essential. Companies have tons of options for preparing their tax returns each year, from online tax preparation tools to working with a dedicated tax professional. Using tax software to prepare your own returns has become an increasingly popular option.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "In the News: February Delivers 32,000 Jobs From Small Businesses" was first published on Small Business Trends

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