Saturday 4 June 2022

10 Ways to Update Your Social Media and SEO Strategies Using New Tech Trends

updating your social media strategies

There are tons of tech tools and trends that may impact your digital marketing strategy. From social media to SEO, it’s important to stay apprised of the latest methods and platforms. These tips from members of the online small business community may help.

Prepare for the Evolution of Connectivity

New technology brings about new trends in the way people connect online. This can have far-reaching implications for businesses that market digitally. See thoughts on some top trends from Rachel Strella in this Strella Social Media post. Then head over to BizSugar to see what members are saying.

Stay Current in SEO

The rules and strategies used for SEO evolve constantly. So if you’re stuck in the past, your efforts may not achieve your desired results. Get caught up by checking out the resources listed in this Search Engine Journal post by Loren Baker.

Utilize User Oriented Tests to Improve SEO

To really improve your current SEO strategy, you need to think like one of your website users. Split testing can really come in handy for this. Learn about the importance of user oriented SEO testing in this Semrush blog post by Brian Moseley.

Follow the Four S’s for Social Media Success

Your business probably already uses social media for marketing. But with so many tools and techniques promoted online, it can be easy to over-complicate things. In this SmallBiz Technology post, Hardik Oza goes over some basic concepts that all social media marketers should remember.

Keep Etiquette in Mind When Using Social Media

Social media isn’t just about tech trends. It’s still an avenue for human beings to communicate with one another. So it’s important to keep etiquette in mind. Lisa Sicard of Inspire to Thrive goes over social media etiquette tips here. Then see what BizSugar members think about the post here.

Conduct a Social Media Audit

If your current social media strategy isn’t achieving all of your goals, it’s worth taking a closer look. This is where an audit can come into play. Learn more about social media audits and how to use them for your brand in this Forward Vision Marketing post by Kris Kozamchak.

Find the Easiest Methods for Publishing Social Media Content

Many businesses use multiple social media platforms to reach their audience. This can require a large time commitment to post and engage with followers. Luckily, there are tools available to simplify the process. Adam Connell reviews one option in this Blogging Wizard post. And BizSugar members also shared commentary here.

Monetize Your Blog Using Sponsored Post Networks

If you use your blog as a money-making avenue, you probably offered sponsored content to brands. Managing these relationships manually can be lucrative, but time-consuming. Sponsored post networks offer a more efficient solution. Learn about them in this Platter of Gold post by Elechi Emekobum.

Protect Your Brand with Automated Monitoring

No matter how effective your digital marketing efforts are, your brand can suffer if others disparage your brand online. However, there are tools that can monitor mentions for you, giving you a chance to respond quickly. Read this Search Engine Watch post by Elizabeth Matsangou for more on this subject.

Find the Best CRM Software for Your Business

CRM has long been an important type of tool for businesses. But today, there are more specific programs than ever. So you can find software with the exact features your business needs to engage with customers. In this post, Neil Patel offers thoughts on finding the top options.

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Image: Depositphotos

This article, "10 Ways to Update Your Social Media and SEO Strategies Using New Tech Trends" was first published on Small Business Trends

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