Monday 27 June 2022

SBA Administrator Releases Statement on Reversal of Roe v Wade

sba administrator releases statement on supreme court ruling

Small Business Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman said that last week’s Supreme Court ruling overturning the 1973 Roe v Wade decision would “jeopardize the civil liberties of millions of women.”

Guzman said that the reversal would create ripple effects across communities and our economy, “particularly for women entrepreneurs pursuing the American dream of business ownership.”

Guzman reasoned that deciding when to start a family is important to women entrepreneurs and reiterated that the SBA is committed to doing all it can to support women.

SBA Administrator Issues Statement on SCOTUS Dobbs Decision

The landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling in 1973 established a woman’s right to seek an abortion for an unwanted pregnancy.

Since 1973, according to statistics provided by LinkedIn, women’s participation in the workforce has increased from 40% to 60%. But can that gain be attributed to Roe v. Wade? Or an evolving economic climate?

Where Will Roe v. Wade Reversal Have Greatest Impacts?

Politics at State Level – The abortion rights issue is returned to the states, where people’s elected representatives will decide which path a state will take. Current estimates say that about half the states would ban abortions. Candidates and those already in office will be pressed to state their standing on the subject.

Human Resources Decisions – Small business owners will have major decisions to make in employee benefit plans. Will an employee health plan include benefits to help employees seek abortions in other states (if not available in their home states)? Large companies including Tesla, Patagonia, Amazon, Levi Strauss and Co, Yelp and others have already indicated that they will do so. Most employee benefit plans do cover reproductive health services, including birth control and/or pregnancy leave. Employers and employees should review existing plans.

Women Entrepreneurs – Entrepreneurs and other self-employed individuals attain health insurance through and other insurance companies. Some insurance companies cover “reproductive services” but may not cover the costs of an abortion. According to statistics from April 2022, the average cost nationally for an abortion in the first trimester is $600 and in the second trimester, $900.

Little Common Ground

Emotions and opinions are strong, with little common ground, as evidenced in Michigan. The issue appears split strictly on party lines. The Roe v. Wade reversal is condemned by abortion rights supporters and praised by Pro Life supporters.

Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said “How we personally feel about abortion – not politics – should drive important medical decisions.”

Michigan’s Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, “Life wins! Debate not returns to states.”

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "SBA Administrator Releases Statement on Reversal of Roe v Wade" was first published on Small Business Trends

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