Wednesday 8 June 2022

Spotlight: Prime Pageants Creates a Completely Different Pageant Experience

Pageants are usually known for their competitive nature. But Prime Pageants is turning this concept into something new. By creating a cooperative mastermind group, the organization aims to help all contestants reach their goals. Read about the intriguing concept below in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers a new type of pageant experience.

Founder Kristen Ayers told Small Business Trends, “We have the first ever personal improvement/self care National pageant system with a built in mastermind for women. The women create goals for themselves, create a support and accountability group around that and then document their journey and find other people and organizations to collaborate within their communities. Then they compete to become Ms. or Mrs. USA Prime.”

Business Niche

Helping all contestants improve.

Ayers explains, “We are shaking up the industry in that we give as much guidance as we can to our leaders, which we always view as the VIP customer. The mastermind is a pretty new concept, taking the focus away from the competition and bringing to light the opportunities the women have for the entire year to truly better their lives, win or lose. However, positive competition can definitely be a motivator and help keep goals on track so it just makes sense.”

How the Business Got Started

After experiencing other pageants.

Ayers says, “I am a serial entrepreneur and became a pageant queen in another system. I was hoping for something different and knew if I wanted it, I would have to create it.”

Biggest Win

Helping contestants make a difference.

Ayers adds, “We are certified to give out the President’s Volunteer Service Award as well as the Personal Improvement Visionary Award to each contestant that meets the criteria by either volunteering in their community or doing the tasks that elevates their self care journey. One of the biggest wins is that we are attracting women who are looking for just this type of platform to make a difference.”

Biggest Risk

Creating a brand new concept.

Ayers says, “The concept could have been looked at negatively. But every single month there are more and more women asking to be a part of our state title leaders mastermind and really looking to compete in September.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Providing more opportunities for contestants.

Ayers adds, “Taking care of the state and national title leaders and giving them as many opportunities as we can.”

Favorite Pastime

Letting contestants get to know one another.

Ayers explains, “Each year we have multiple Prime Queen Launch Party Weekends where the queens come together to get to know each other, work on a little self care, experience something new and just enjoy the moments. For instance, we just got back from Myrtle Beach, SC and we spent quality time together on the beach.”

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Image: Prime Pageants, Kristen Ayers

This article, "Spotlight: Prime Pageants Creates a Completely Different Pageant Experience" was first published on Small Business Trends

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