Wednesday 15 June 2022

Spotlight: Zoom Into Life Studio Transforms Businesses into Real Brands

There’s a difference between a business and a brand. If you want to communicate clearly with consumers, your business needs a cohesive brand story and image. And Zoom Into Life Studio can help you create one.

To learn more about the branding process, read on for this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers branding and marketing services to businesses.

Founder Puja Misra told Small Business Trends, “We help entrepreneurs and small businesses transform into brands.”

Services include:

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Identity
  • Personal Brand & Business Photography
  • Video Marketing & Production
  • Website Design

Business Niche

Helping brands stand out.

Misra says, “We have a special framework that we have built over the last decade that helps businesses humanize their brand and build authentic connections with their target audience.”

How the Business Got Started

To help small businesses.

Misra adds, “After working for about two decades with big fashion and corporate brands, I realized that the small business owners and family businesses work so hard. Putting their sweat, blood and tears into serving their clients, but do not get the success they deserve as they are not positioning their business competitively like a trusted brand. That initiated the spark of getting on a mission to help people realize their dreams by making them successful in their business.

Biggest Risk

Investing in training.

Misra says, “I started my business with $200 in my hands. …Either I could invest it into training and learning how to market my business or keep that money and do it myself. It took me a day to make the decision and I chose to invest in myself and training. And the rest is history….”

Lesson Learned

Don’t let anything hold you back.

Misra explains, “As entrepreneurs we need to learn that our business holds the utmost priority and nothing comes in the way, not even me. I would tell myself to be fearless in the pursuit of what your heart desires and believes passionately and go behind it with all your might.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Investing in a physical space.

Misra adds, “I would invest it in creating a dedicated studio space for my clients and my team, hold community networking events to bring creative and passionate minds together. Use the space to inspire the future generation of entrepreneurs and most schools train kids to become employees and not business owners.”

Favorite Quote

“Whatever your mind and conceive and believe it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

Favorite Team Member

Her dog.

Misra adds, “My pet dog shipoo “Sparkle ” is our Director of Excitement and all clients love her!”

* * * * *

Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Image: Zoom Into Life Studio, Puja Misra

This article, "Spotlight: Zoom Into Life Studio Transforms Businesses into Real Brands" was first published on Small Business Trends

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