Tuesday 31 January 2023

A Step-By-Step Guide to Handling a Workplace Injury

When you own or run a business, there are countless duties and responsibilities you must tend to. Between payroll, shipping/receiving, client relations, sales and/or service, it can sometimes get overwhelming. But there is another responsibility you have, and it’s the most important of all; the safety and well-being of your employees.

When it comes to creating a safe workplace environment, that falls on the shoulders of management and ownership. Unfortunately, even with the best safety guidelines in place, accidents still happen. And when they do, you will need the backing of a quality coverage provider such as Cerity Insurance.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at how to proceed in the event of an injury at your office or job site:

Arrange Medical Care Immediately

First things first; before you do anything else, you need to make sure that your workers are cared for medically and that any injuries they have are treated as soon as possible. If the injury is life-threatening, you should call 911 immediately. For all others, finding a nearby emergency room or urgent care cent should suffice.

Report the Incident ASAP

It is critical that you document and report the incident as soon as possible. This will allow you to begin the next steps of the process (such as the claim filing) while also receiving instructions on what else you need to do. This is where having a partner like Cerity Insurance proves invaluable.

Communicate Quickly, Clearly, and Frequently

Understanding what is going on and what to expect next is a critical part of the injury and recovery process. For co-workers and managers, it lets them know how their fellow employees are doing. And for the injured parties, it provides transparency in the process, as well as peace of mind.

Establish a Return-to-Work Program with the Claims Adjuster

This is often referred to as “Modified Work Duty”. This helps promote recovery and reduce loss of wages for the employee due to missed time.

Consider Safety Protocol Updates

Following a workplace incident, it is always a good idea to review your entire protocol for handling accidents, as well as address the specific circumstances leading to the incident. If some aspect of your procedure or equipment is found to be lacking, now is the time to correct it.

The Best Step Is to Create a Safe Environment to Prevent Injuries Before They Happen

In a perfect world, all accidents would be eliminated before they ever happen. Unfortunately, that can’t always be the case.

But diligent inspections of your work environment, continually reviewing and updating your safety procedures, and proper training for your employees can go a long way in reducing these occurrences.

*Bonus Tip*: Find a Quality Coverage Provider Such as Cerity Insurance

More than anything else, if something unfortunate does happen at your workplace involving one (or more) of your employees, you will need to make sure that you have the financial end of it covered.

There is no telling what type of medical treatments may be needed, as well as what other impact it may have on your company. Being covered provides security not only to your employees but also for yourself.

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