Friday 9 August 2024

5 Video Marketing Strategies Every Business Should Use

Your business needs a video marketing strategy. With video, you can drive customer engagement, drive traffic to your website, collect email signups, and improve your customer service. Video is a great asset, but there are different kinds of videos, and each works a little differently.

Here are five video marketing strategies to consider using for your campaign.

  1. Social Media Videos

Video is a great way to grow customer engagement on any social media platform. Your goal is to engage your audience, both current and potential customers, in a way that is simple, easy to digest, and memorable. People spend a lot of time on social media and tend to watch more videos on those platforms. In an updated report, the average person spends 2 hours and 24 minutes on social media daily and checks their mobile device 159 times a day.

Here’s your chance to grab your audience, and the best way is to make them laugh. Do you remember the Old Spice body wash commercials? They were funny, fast-paced, and to the point, and now, whenever you see Old Spice products in your local box store, you associate that product with that funny moment. The videos did so well that they caused the sales of Old Spice products to go up by 107 percent in 2010 when they were launched.

  1. Landing Page Videos

A video on your website homepage can help introduce your product or service as your customers land on your website. You can ensure that your visitors get a clear view of your brand right at the beginning of your interaction. A great example can be found on Pretzel Logic Productions’ website, where they showcase different projects they’ve worked on and some of their clients right from the home page. At the end of your video, you can introduce a call to action, such as exploring the rest of your site or signing up for your newsletter.

Video helps in many ways. It captures your visitors’ attention right from the start and helps potential customers find your business when they search for you. Websites that use videos are much more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results, making it easier for you to stand out from the crowd.

As with social media, keep it short and get to the point quickly. Your video shouldn’t be longer than 60 seconds. The thumbnail you choose for your video also has to be intriguing—no one will hit the play button if the thumbnail isn’t engaging.

  1. Explainer Videos

Explainer videos can be compelling if your business is selling a process or a service. For instance, you can use a time-lapse video to demonstrate how your carpet cleaning is better than everyone else’s or how your product holds up better over time compared to other brands. Descriptive visuals can sell the point you want to make because you’re showing just how good your product or service is. Voiceover is a great way to explain what’s happening in the video or why your business is better than the other guy’s.

The script for this type of video should answer a few questions. First, what is your product or service? Who is it for? What problem does it solve, and how? And, most importantly, what should your customer do to get started? The action for your customer can be as simple as signing up for a newsletter, exploring different options for sales, or contacting you to schedule a service.

  1. Brand Promotion Videos

Brand promotion videos are a staple of any advertising campaign but can be helpful in other ways. A brand-oriented video attracts customers by promoting your company’s vision, mission statement, products, and services. It can introduce your company to a new audience or compare you to other companies in your industry.

A brand promotion video can also advertise a particular sale for your product, an event you’re hosting, or a marketing campaign. You can also consider it a vehicle for a great first impression. For example, people may not initially find your website landing page in a search but stumble across your video while scrolling through social media or watching TV and learn about your company that way. In this setting, you can show off your company’s personality and unique selling points and compel your audience to seek more information.

A great piece of advice for any of your videos, but this type in particular, is to provide captions. That way, if someone scrolls through social media with their phone on silent, they can still read the script and understand what’s happening.

  1. Interview Videos

You can interview any number of people; you can even start with yourself! Interviews with industry leaders, company experts, your CEO, or the staff who get the job done on a day-to-day basis can win the admiration and trust of your viewers. Interviews help humanize your brand and show that funny, engaging, and interested people are involved in your business.

You can film it so that your interview subject is speaking with an interviewer, or they can speak directly into the camera, making it feel as though they are speaking right to the audience. You can also gather interviews from satisfied customers as testimonials so you can show how helpful or awesome your products and services are.

As with brand promotion videos, this is a way to introduce your company if you’re new on the scene or a way to introduce a new marketing campaign or event if you’ve been around for a while. You can also spotlight a particular problem that your company solves and how you solve it, which will also help you connect with your target audience.

Incorporating video marketing strategies diversifies your content and establishes a dynamic and engaging brand presence. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, leveraging the power of video marketing will be instrumental in staying ahead, driving traffic, and enhancing overall business success.

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